Taipei Villa 32

Food is life, and I paint my memories with food


No. 32 Zhongshan Road, Beitou District, Taipei City

Overall Rating

4.6 ★

Restaurant Features

Located in Beitou, 【Villa 32】 is a tranquil retreat surrounded by hot springs. With its elegant decor, it is a recommended signature restaurant by the Relais & Châteaux group. The restaurant offers a spacious dining area with floor-to-ceiling windows, allowing guests to relax while enjoying the picturesque views outside, as if on a vacation.

The menu at 【Villa 32】 consists of lunch set, dinner set, and chef’s recommended set. The appetizer course of the dinner set starts with corn cake accompanied by white fish paste and tomato seafood sauce, creating a layered and flavorful taste. Another dish is tea plum stuffed with feta cheese that has been smoked with Longan wood, creating a strong and unexpectedly harmonious fusion of Eastern and Western flavors.

The bread served with the meal is made from dough that has undergone a long fermentation process. When served, it is hot and crispy on the outside while remaining soft and chewy on the inside. The bread emits a delightful aroma from the fermentation, and whether paired with butter or olive oil, it is a perfect accompaniment to the meal.

The oyster/garlic sprout cold soup has a texture like whipped cream, with a refreshing garlic sprout flavor. It is complemented by oysters, caviar, and a touch of chili powder, resulting in a rich and delightful combination.

Octopus/citrus, where thinly sliced octopus is layered at the bottom, paired with refreshing citrus flesh. It is meant to be a light and fresh appetizer after a rich soup course. However, the slightly bitter grapefruit, combined with a more intense sauce, diminishes the surprising taste sensation on the palate.

The seared quail with Chinese kale is cooked to perfection, with a delightful aroma of rendered fat and tender meat. It is already impressive when enjoyed on its own. However, when paired with the mustard green sauce, bonito chicken jelly sauce, and yuzu pepper sauce on the plate, it offers a variety of flavors that further enhance the dining experience.

Tomato/beef/capers spaghetti is a well-balanced Italian pasta dish with harmonious flavors. Each bite is akin to comfort food, rich and satisfying.

The main course of French blue lobster is an ingredient that exudes a high sense of luxury. The meat of the blue lobster is more delicate, tender, flavorful, and sweet compared to Boston lobster. The chef’s cooking technique is impeccable, with the lobster cooked only slightly, giving it a texture reminiscent of raw seafood. Paired with a concentrated lobster sauce, further enhancing the richness of the lobster flavor. The side dish of kale leaves stuffed with onions and bacon bits adds a flavorful touch and brings a layered texture.

Another dish, Matsusaka pork, demonstrates the perfect balance in terms of meat quality, texture, and seasoning. Paired with green lentil sauce, it showcases the chef’s excellent culinary skills and is truly delicious.

The dessert, Mont Blanc with chestnut ice cream, is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, just like the desserts found in specialty pastry shops. The ingredients used are of high quality, and the execution is superb.

In addition,【Villa 32】offers an extensive selection of wines, which undoubtedly enhances the dining experience. Overall, 90% of the dishes at 【Villa 32】this season are satisfying, combining surprise elements and delicious flavors that will make you want to visit again.


Dinner Set Menu (French Blue Lobster at NTD 4280 +10% / Matsusaka Pork at NTD 2880 +10%)

Villa 32
Restaurant atmosphere
Villa 32
Restaurant atmosphere
Villa 32
Villa 32
Corn cake accompanied by white fish paste and tomato seafood sauce / Plum stuffed with feta cheese
Villa 32
Villa 32
Oyster/garlic sprout cold soup
Villa 32
Villa 32
Quail with Chinese kale
Villa 32
Tomato/beef/capers spaghetti
Villa 32
French blue lobster
Villa 32
Matsusaka pork
Villa 32
Mont Blanc with chestnut ice cream